Many employees are all too familiar with the dreaded, unexpected drug test. If you find yourself in this unpleasant situation, smoke shops with fake urine could be your saving grace.

Synthetic urine has provided a loophole that allows users to enjoy smoking without the career repercussions. When faced with an untimely drug test, it’s not uncommon for individuals to use fake pee to cheat a drug screening. Other people will use synthetic urine for medical purposes, hunting, gardening, pranks, or even sexual fantasies.

Smoke Shops With Fake Urine

Unsurprisingly, synthetic urine is a controversial issue. For starters, drug use presents a major safety concern for employees in safety-sensitive positions. Such sentiments have led to the banning of synthetic urine in some states.

If you’re curious about a “smoke shop that sells fake urine near me” you’ve come to the right place. Our goal is to inform you about everything you need to know about synthetic pee and how to quickly access it.

Synthetic Urine: What to Consider While Buying

Before we explore how you can quickly and easily find a fake urine smoke shop, let’s familiarize ourselves with synthetic urine.

Synthetic urine, also known as fake pee or laboratory urine, is a substance that is formulated to mimic the physical and chemical properties of actual urine.

There are dozens of different synthetic urine brands in the market, and some are better than others. Some manufacturers have gone the extra mile to ensure that their product looks, smells, and foams just like human urine. That’s not all! Quality synthetic urine has urea, uric acid, creatine, ammonia, the right pH, and specific gravity. On the other end of the spectrum, low-quality fake pee is relatively easy to identify. For instance, with some brands the look and smell may be off, while other low-level versions do not contain urea.

If you’re using fake pee for a prank or sexual fantasy you can get away with using lower quality piss. However, if you need synthetic pee for medical purposes or a drug test, you want to opt for the high-quality stuff. This is the only way to guarantee the results that you’re looking for.

Our top picks for the best synthetic urine kits include Sub Solution, Quick Fix, and Quick Luck. While some of these brands are exclusively offered online, you can still pass a drug test using smoke shop fake urine.

Where Can I Find Fake Urine Smoke Shop Near Me?

First things first, not all smoke shops sell synthetic urine. Therefore, locating a local store that stocks quality fake pee can be quite the process. Fortunately, we’ll have compiled helpful tips and insights to help you find fake pee smoke shops near me.

One of the best parts of living in the internet era is that there is an app for everything. And that includes finding synthetic urine in local smoke shops.

WeedMaps has revolutionized shopping for marijuana as well as products such as synthetic urine. This site is built to help you locate smoke shops where you can then buy synthetic urine near you. For instance, if you’re in San Diego, you would enter this as your location. You can then search for synthetic urine and WeedMaps would display all head shops that sell fake pee, their operating hours, and contact information. This allows you to contact the store with any questions you may have before you swing by. For example, you can call and confirm that they currently have synthetic urine in stock.

Here are some of the leading head shops that stock synthetic urine.

  • Burn Smoke Shop and Rock N Roll It Smoke and Vape Shop in Houston Texas.
  • 101 Smoke Shop and Teagardins in Los Angeles, California.
  • Vape Smoke Universe and Next Door Smoke Shop in San Diego, California.

If you’re trying to obtain fake pee for a drug test, the last thing you want to do is shout it from the rooftops. For example, conducting these searches on your work computer can be a risky move. Instead, you’ll want to exercise caution and keep everything under wraps.

Fake Pee Smoke Shop: Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right One

All smoke shops are not created equal. While some may offer a diverse range of products, others excel in customer service. Contrarily, some head shops may be lacking in several departments. So, how do you identify the best fake pee smoke shop? Here are a few factors you need to consider.

Synthetic Urine Selection and Quality

As we’ve already discussed, there are different brands of synthetic urine, with some being more effective than others. The ideal smoke shop will stock a decent selection of quality synthetic urine brands. Quick Fix is a reliable brand that can be found in different smoke shops.

Fair prices

You’d expect that synthetic urine pricing would be fairly even across smoke shops. However, this is simply not the case. Some head shops charge more than others for the same products. You can, therefore, call ahead and compare pricing before making your purchase.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

By reading customer reviews, you know what to expect before you ever set foot in a smoke shop. Customers will typically share their experiences on the online site of the shop or platforms such as Yelp.

Note that even the best head shops may have a couple of negative reviews. However, an overwhelming number of negative reviews is something to be concerned about.

Best Practices for Purchasing Fake Urine

Synthetic urine has become increasingly popular for people looking to evade drug tests, prompting lawmakers to take action.

Currently, synthetic urine has been prohibited in the following states; Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Utah, Nevada, Virginia, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Connecticut, and Oklahoma. Other states such as Indiana, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama have pending legislation to ban fake urine.

Lawmakers in different states are against the manufacture, use, and sale of synthetic urine to circumvent drug tests. Some have cited that employees in safety-sensitive positions may use these products to falsify drug tests. Of course, this would cause safety concerns for the public.

Synthetic urine manufacturers are able to legally sell their products since fake pee has other uses beyond drug tests. These include calibrating urinalysis equipment, scientific research projects, and testing products such as mattresses and diapers.

If you choose to take the synthetic urine route, it’s crucial to precisely follow the provided instructions. A product will only work as intended if you follow the user directions. All quality synthetic urine brands come with an instruction manual outlining exactly how to use the product.

Alternatives and Cautionary Notes

Head shops that sell fake urine can be a life-saver especially if you need to prepare for a drug test in a matter of hours. However, this option comes with a couple of challenges. These may include low-quality brands of synthetic urine in smoke shops, expired products, or even inauthentic fake urine products.

If you have more time to prepare for a drug test, a better solution would be to order a TestClear Powdered Human Urine kit online. The Real Powdered Urine Kit has an exceptional pass rate and it has proven effective regardless of the complexity of the drug test. If you’re after a urine kit that eliminates the guesswork and perfectly mimics human pee, TestClear powdered urine is well worth buying.

Note that Amazon and Walmart do not offer synthetic urine products.


Does synthetic urine work?

Yes, synthetic urine from reputable brands has proven effective for drug tests. As long as you carefully follow the user instructions you should be in the clear.

Can labs detect synthetic urine in 2023?

No. Good quality synthetic urine closely resembles human pee. Further, it has the correct specific gravity and pH, as well as compounds such as urea, uric acid, and creatine. These aspects mean that synthetic urine can pass for actual urine in a lab test.

What is the correct synthetic urine temperature for a drug test?

The optimal temperature range for urine samples during drug tests is 90 0F – 100 0F (32 0C to 38 0C). If the temperature of the sample falls outside this range, it would result in a failed drug test.

Which is the best synthetic urine for a lab drug test?

Effective and reliable synthetic urine brands include Testclear powdered urine, Sub Solution, Quick Fix, and Quick Luck.

Does synthetic urine have an expiry date?

For most synthetic urine brands, unmixed or unopened fake pee has a shelf life of 1 to 2 years. You can therefore store a couple of bottles for a rainy day. Ensure that you read the product label so you know when synthetic urine is set to expire.


There you have it! We hope that this article answers all your questions about buying smoke shop fake pee.

To reiterate, drug test results can have a major impact on your career and life overall. Before you turn to Google for “smoke shop near me fake urine” it’s important that you carefully weigh your options.

If you have more than 24 hours to prepare for a drug test, TestClear Powdered urine is more effective than any synthetic urine brand that you can find at a smoke shop. What’s more, this urine kit is easy to use, reasonably priced, and backed by countless testimonials from other weed lovers.